file could not be found at the following path

Problem: The attached file could not be found at the following path:

C:\Users\AMMA\Desktop\My Library\My Library\files\736\FluoConcDepend1998Oceanol.pdf

It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.

Sir, Please suggest to me, how to give the path of a particular "Pdf" when shown like this message "mentioned above"
  • edited November 25, 2021
    You seem to 1) be using linked files and 2) have linked files from the 'files' folder of an export. It's not clear why you have it set up like that, and definitely isn't what you want to do, but it's not really something we can help with.

    We recommend using stored files, the default mode where Zotero manages files for you within its own data directory. Beyond that, you're on your own for managing your files.
  • Thank you, sir, for your support

    I have stored my Pdf files in a particular folder then, I was drag and drop them to Zotero.

    But now showing message like this please, help me best way fix problem, and please suggest how to store files in zotero.
  • No, if a file is linked to that location, you added it as a linked file, possibly with the ZotFile extension. Zotero creates stored files within the Zotero data directory by default.
  • Thank you, now I getting an Idea about how to store the data.

    Suppose, I have replaced the Zotero data directory from my old PC (personal computer) to a new personal computer, maybe will get all files. My assumption is Ok?

  • Sir,
    Best way to move files from one system to another system. Please help me
  • edited November 25, 2021
    If you're using linked files, I'm afraid you're really on your own here.

    You can read the documentation for setting up a linked attachment base directory, which lets you access the same linked files from different locations on different computers. But it sounds like your setup is a bit of a mess — again, there's absolutely no reason your files should be within the 'files' subfolder of a Zotero export folder — so you're really going to have to sort this out yourself. You're using an advanced feature that's entirely dependent on how you've set it up. I would strongly recommend using stored files going forward.
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