Unable to install after download

When I finished downloading the (Zotero- installation package, double-click the package can not be completed, can only open an unrecognized file identity
  • edited November 25, 2021
    It sounds like your download was interrupted and the file is corrupted. Delete it and try again, or try from a different browser.
  • I did use Internet Explorer, but it still didn’t work
    But other software downloads and installs are normal
  • edited November 25, 2021
    The file is valid, so you'll need to figure out how to download it successfully on your computer. (And if you really mean Internet Explorer (on your Mac? on a PC?), you should upgrade to a modern browser. Internet Explorer on any system hasn't been safe to use in years.)
  • I’m using Chrome, Edge, and other browsers, and I can’t install them. Am I the only one who has them
  • edited November 25, 2021
    Sorry, there's nothing more we can tell you here. The .dmg is valid. You'll need to figure out how to download it properly and open it. There may be something on your system or network interfering with your connection. If this is a laptop, try from a different network.
  • Sounds like person is on a PC though (IE, Edge) and trying to us a .dmg for Macs?
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