Abnormal result with one author in-text citation

Hi, could anyone help?
When I do in-text citation with one author in APA style, Zotero gives me the complete name of the author. For example, (Robert K. Jin, 2009).
I find this unusual. In the case of two or more authors, it's all good. I have exactly what I want (ex: Yin et al., 2013).
What can I do to resolve this?
  • Do check the name is entered correctly in your Zotero database, in two-field mode. You can compare it to other papers and how they're entered.
  • edited November 24, 2021
    I did check it. Everything is fine. Actually, I cited that same article elsewhere, and it turned out perfectly back then.
    I wonder if it is because of the fact that I used APA style french version. And if so, how could I fix it? I have to use the french version for this report.
  • Which style exactly are you using?
    And if you create ba bibliography, could you copy all items by that first author and paste them here
  • edited November 24, 2021
    I'm using APA 6th edition (Provost) (Français - Canada) as citation style.
    Here are the items related to this author:
    Yin, Robert K. (2009). Case study research : Design and methods. (S.l.): SAGE. (Google-Books-ID: FzawIAdilHkC).
    Yin, Robert K. (2014). Case study research : Design and methods (5th éd.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    Note: I used to be able to cite Yin (2009) in APA 7th edition style in its correct form.
  • edited November 24, 2021
    That just looks like it's disambiguating the two citations: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/given_name_disambiguation
  • Oh, I see. So to fix it, I guess I have to do it manually.
    Thank you so much for your help!
  • To clarify, it is correct in APA style for initials or full names to be added to disambiguate citations. So there isn’t anything for you to fix.
  • ( I thought it wasn't anymore for full names and we fixed that?)
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