Podcast date?


I am currently studying Information Security and part of my coursework involves listening to lots of Podcasts.

I have noticed that the Podcast type does not have a date field - is it possible to add fields manually, or change the Podcast type so that it has a date field?

Apologies if I am being stupid, I haven't been using the software very long.
  • You can add any extra information needed in the Extra field. See: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/item_types_and_fields#citing_fields_from_extra
  • Ah brill, thank you!
  • I was just going to start a thread about this.

    You can add the date in the Extra field, but it will not appear in the Year column in the main Zotero pane (which I find to be very important), citation or bibliography. (The Retrieved date, if any, will appear in the bibliography.)

    Zotero team, please add a date field in the Podcast form, so podcasts may be cited properly.
  • No, you're misunderstanding. The whole point of the date in Extra is that it _will_ appear in citations and bibliography (and be migrated to a field that can be displayed in columns once that exists).
  • edited December 5, 2021
    Right, this time the date did appear in the bibliography, but no date in the Year column. (I had kludged my entry by putting the date in the Title as well.)

    What is the reasoning behind not showing the year in the Year column in the main page? This is something that's very important in the sorting I do, which I think is probably pretty basic to everyone.

    Surfacing another column to display the little-used Extra field doesn't make sense to me. Real estate is tight already in the main pane.

    Or do you mean you intend to add a Date field for podcasts that will be derived from the Extra field???
  • There is no reasoning. There is no date field for podcasts because it got omitted 10+ years ago and no changed have been made since.
    They'll come reasonably soon, hopefully, and then podcast will have a date field and any date you have in extra will automatically be moved there
  • +1 on including a date field. In the mean time, when using APA 7th for podcast series, you need to use date:"year-present" in extra for the year span to show correctly.

    For APA 7th, there are several other things lacking, like the inclusion of the role (Host) or (Hosts) after the listing of names, and a field for Type (this can be added using the field File type or adding Type in extra). Also, the Series title field is not included in the reference list entry, making this element type more suited to podcast series rather than episodes. And for podcast series, it would be nice to have an additional role of Producer, and a new field for Production company.
  • Thanks a lot, this solves most of the issues I have encountered. But as far as I can tell, you still need to use "2019-present" in extra for current running series, it does not work using 2019/present. And I do think it's not exactly user friendly to have an element type that relies so heavily on extra fields and other adjustments.
  • Note that APA style doesn’t use “Present”. It calls for including the actual year

    It’s an oversight that Podcast doesn’t have a Date field. That will be fixed in a future version of Zotero.
  • I believe "Present" is used in APA 7th, please see the APA website:
    https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/podcast-references (looks like an update from APA 6th)

    Thank you for your efforts, I'm looking forward to the Date field, and hopefully more improvements to this element type.
  • Ah, I’d forgotten about that change.

    That doesn’t really make sense to me—“present” would mean very different things depending on when the paper is read, when it was initially drafted versus revised versus published, etc. Better to just use a proper date for when the material was consulted.
  • I've been using the "trick" of entering an "date: YYYY-MM-DD" value in the Extras field, and the Podcasts got the right year out of it previously.

    With Zotero 7 this does not seem to work anymore (I'm on 7.0.2, and entering that field, has no effect on the displayed "Year" field in the list view). I'm entering things in the same format as I have for past entries (done on Zotero <7), butdoesn't seem to have the same outcome.

    Is this a regression or an expected change? Feels weird if there's no way to set the year of the podcast episode, for example...
  • The format is:

    issued: 2024-07-01
  • This post from 2021 says a date field for podcasts is coming soon. It’s now 2024, is it still coming?
  • Is it possible to add the date for the podcasts before the end of 2024 please? Podcast citation is becoming mainstream and this metadata is essential. Thank you so much.
  • +1 to have this fixed! I am citing podcasts in most of my research.

    Thank you, @bwiernik. I'm using Chicago 17, author-date, and I could not figure this out. Putting "issue 2024-12-04" into the "Extra" field removed the n.d. and inserted the year correctly.
  • Another +1 to please fix this, thank you, devs!

    Until then I'll just keep saving podcasts as "Magazine Articles" which seems a decent (if somewhat sad) workaround
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