Problem with new WebDAV support for Zotero iOS

I am trying to use the WebDAV support on the new release of Zotero for iOS but I get a message "Not a valid WebDAV URL".
The settings are exactly the same as the WebDAV I use in my Desktop application.

Any help is appreciated.
  • Update, if you use the button "Verify" you get the error I mentioned. But if you leave the setting pane and then go back to it the server is verified and WebDAV is working!
  • I also have the same verification problem with the 4shared webdav server. If I reopen the app it says I'm logged. However, when I try to open a pdf, Zotero can not download it ("the attached file could not be found").

    I appreciate your help


  • Thanks, @lello ! It worked now!
  • It has also worked for me. This is great! Thanks for this app
  • edited November 18, 2021
    I get a “The WebDAB server did not accept the username and password you entered.” error message. Username and password are filled out by iOS automatically, and this combo for the WebDAB server works everywhere else.
    Perhaps the problem is that the /zotero/ subdomain is fixed at the end of the address? It can’t be deleted, so any WebDAB server address we enter is between https:// and /zotero/

    Edit: OK, the password problem is solved, iOS enters my Zotero password twice, i.e. also into the WebDAB server field. Stupid OS…
    However, sync remains dysfunctional, now with a different error message:
    The operation couldn’t be completed.
    (Zotero.AFResponseError error 1.)

    Edit #2: Suddenly it started working, despite the previously mentioned error message.
  • I have exactly the same issue with lello's, namely, verification complains but skipping verification makes everything works.
  • edited November 18, 2021
    @lello, @ftaberner, @zzeitt, @sudoyang: Reproduced — looks like it's happening with certain WebDAV servers. We should have a fix out soon.

    @erdoke: "/zotero" has always been fixed to the end of WebDAV URLs in Zotero. That's nothing new.
  • it still works though it shows “not a valid url”. I just quit the setting.
  • edited November 18, 2021
    I have similar behavior. It either says it is not valid webdav server or that the server refuses login credentials. My synology NAS actually blocks the IP address after several attempts but the credentials are certainly the same I use on desktop zotero client in the same network.

    When I leave without verifying, it seems the PDF is downloaded (maybe) but it cannot be opened.
  • I also had the same issue lello, and was able to get a green tick mark for "verified" using their method. But I have yet to successfully download a pdf attached to one of my items. pdf icons with the little blue down arrow appear, but when I try to access them one of three things happen:
    - I get an error message of "Sync failed (Failed API response: No response)" in the bottom left corner of the screen.
    - I get a pop-up error message of "Error The attached file could not be found".
    - The file seemingly downloads, and the app attempts to open it, but then there is an error message of "Unable to Display Document The file you're trying to access is either not a PDF file or might be corrupted."

    Sync seems to be working fine with the WebDAV server ( on the desktop app.
  • I was able to reproduce this problem.

    When I hit 'verify' it says 'not a valid WebDAV URL'. However, by going back to Settings and entering the Sync tab again, it shows 'Verified. and file syncing is already working.
  • We've pushed a new build that fixes "Verify Server" for some WebDAV servers.

    If you're still having trouble, it'll be a different issue, so please start a new thread.
This discussion has been closed.