Move entry to a different collection/folder (not just "copy")?
I'm organizing a collection (folder) into sub-collections (sub-folders).
If I drag and drop an element into a sub-folder, it will create a "copy" of that element in the sub-folder. So then I have the same element into the original folder, and in the new sub-folder. I have to manually remove the element from the original folder so that it is present only in the sub-folder.
Is there a a way to move ("cut+paste") an element into a different folder/sub-folder without leaving a copy of the element in the original folder/sub-folder?
If I drag and drop an element into a sub-folder, it will create a "copy" of that element in the sub-folder. So then I have the same element into the original folder, and in the new sub-folder. I have to manually remove the element from the original folder so that it is present only in the sub-folder.
Is there a a way to move ("cut+paste") an element into a different folder/sub-folder without leaving a copy of the element in the original folder/sub-folder?
Items can now be be moved (instead of copied) between collections with a modifier key
Cmd on OS X, Shift on Windows/Linux
Known issue: No cursor feedback on Windows
(i.e. hold the key while dragging)
Thank you!
It is truly odd because within the same working session the Cmd function to move (rather than copy) stopped working.
If the item is moved to a DIFFERENT library / group library, then SHIFT+drag doesn't work - only copy happens.
Please someone verify my observation
EDIT: Is it possible somehow to find all items that are part of more than one collection?
On a sidenote, I am really curious why anyone would actively pursue a workflow in which items are used in more than one collection. It just strikes me as so counterintuitive.
Lots of reasons to have items in multiple collections: they fit systematically in two categories n& you don't have to decide, you create a collection for each paper you write, you use collections for.each database you search in a lit/scoping/systematic review to name just some common scenarios
While I really like this possibility, I do also feel like a lot more could be done with this. For instance, when I add a new article, I now have to add it both in the "not cited" subcollection and in one of the "Topics" subcollections. I feel like this approach will become increasingly messy the larger the scale of my literature review. I think what would be cool is to have something like integrity rules in the collection database system. For instance: Throw an error if the collection "Cited/Not cited" and its subcollections have more, less, or different articles inside them compared with the collection "Topics" and all its subcollections. Or: "Always create copy of item in collection X if item is added to collection Y." Or: "Add tag X to item Y if it exists in more than one collection of the list of collections (would be useful in my case for finding items that I put in more than one topic collection)." Are ideas like these somewhere in the development pipeline?
In any case, thanks for your reply and your work!