Upgraded to 2GB - error of not enough storage

I desperately need to transfer My Library on to my second Mac. I believe I need to do it through the synch (that green arrow on the top right corner). I noticed the error of 300mb quota has been used up. I upgraded to 2 GB but the error still shows. Also in my profile My Library shows as zero MB used.
Confused and frustrated. Would appreciate your help.

Thank you
  • edited November 15, 2021
    There are only three items in the online library for the account you're posting from, so most likely you have two accounts, have synced with a different one, and added the storage subscription to the wrong one. Once you figure out the correct account, you can email storage@zotero.org with both email addresses and ask for the storage subscription to be transferred.

    Note, though, that you don't need sync for a one-time transfer to another computer. On a Mac you should generally just use Migration Assistant to transfer all the computer's data. If you want to transfer just Zotero data, you can copy just the Zotero data directory. See Transferring a Library.
  • edited November 15, 2021
    Thank you. You are right that only three folders are synching in My Library but I actually have many more. And with that now am totally confused. I might have had two accounts but am also unable to see which is the other one. And I have now paid for the upgrade on the wrong account.
  • You'll need to identify the other account. It would be linked to another email address of yours. You can see the account you're syncing with in the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Thank you. I 've found the other and it is indeed the one with 300mb data used up. I mistakenly upgraded the one I don't use and has just those three items on it. Is there a way to transfer the upgrade to the correct account?
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