Style Request: Zeitschrift für Politik

edited October 1, 2021
As suggested on github, I have revised this post to a style request. This is the required information:

Link to online style documentation (in German only):

Journal ISSN (print): 0044-3360

In-text citation does not apply as it is a style that exclusively operates with footnotes.

The style does not contain a separate reference list. All information is included in the references themselves.


John L. Campbell / Ove K. Pedersen, » The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success« in: Comparative Political Studies 40, Nr. 3 (2007), S. 307–332.

Isabela Mares, »Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?« in: Peter A. Hall / David Soskice (Hg.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Oxford 2001, S. 184–213.

Link to a freely available article:

Thank you in advance!!!
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