Separate reference lists in one Word doc

I am searching a solution to establish in one Word doc separate reference lists. I am finishing a manuscript in history, and need two distinct reference lists for primary sources and secondary literature. As the reference list is comprised of around 60 pages, no easy solution (integration of separate exported rtf.s is possible.
Thank you. All best
  • How would you distinguish what goes in which list? Do they consist of different item types?
  • Yes, each list consists of different entries. One list is called "primary sources" and the second list of secondary literature. So, I have to create out of my collection two different reference lists. How should I proceed?
  • I was asking about how you distinguish between primary and secondary sources in Zotero. If they are different Zotero item types or otherwise clearly distinct, it's possible to automate this for the most part. Otherwise it's going to be mostly manual
  • This is exactly my problem: I did not find how to automate the differentiation in the library and in a final step to create different reference lists. If there is a possibility to automate it, I would appreciate any explanation. Thank you
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