How to convert Word in-text citations from Papers/ReadCube to Zotero

I have successfully transferred my files from Papers/ReadCube reference manager to Zotero.

Problem: I want to use Zotero for my Word documents with existing in-text citations from Papers/ReadCube. I have started manually changing over each individual in-text citation, however, this is very timely and my project is over 100 pages.

Can Zotero recognize Papers/ReadCube citation links?

I have done a lot of searching through this forum, and Google. I cannot find an answer, or much information about Zotero and Papers/ReadCube.

I have tried:
- Unlinking all citations
- Refreshing citations
  • There isn’t a way to automatically convert the citations to Zotero citations.

    I’m not sure how Readcube stores citation data in the document, but Zotero may be able to read the citation and format them. If you insert a Zotero bibliography in the document, does it include the Readcube items.
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