Options for changing line spacing in APA format?

The official APA citation requires double spacing the bibliography and the apa.csl reflects that. However, Im writing a Word paper for an organization that requires a single-spaced bibliography but follows APA formatting otherwise. This is an organization I interact with alot, so I would like to create a new style, rather than manually reformat the bibliography, which requires remembering and leads to errors/rejections because of needing to manually reformat.

I copied the apa.csl in my Zotero app files, edited it for single line spacing, and added it to the available styles with a new filename, but that does not work (bibliography continues to be double spaced). I can tell Im using the edited style because I changed the title and short name and see the new style in my list of styles.

I saw another post in the forum (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/85217/newly-added-style-not-showing-up-in-zotero-style-preview) that seemed to suggest that if I was changing a "standard style" I would need to do more than just edit the style but that post was about a different issue and didnt have enough detail on my question to allow me to successfully edit the style.

Any suggestions for how to do this, so that I end up with an APA (single spaced) and (unmodified) APA styles that I can choose from when creating a reference list/bibliography for a paper?

Im using Word 360 for a Mac with the Zotero plugin.

Thanks for any advice/suggestions.
  • Hello,
    Have you found a solution to this? I have manually edited apa.csl to change the "line-spacing" option (was 2, changed to 1 at line 1878 using a text editor) and imported the modified style to Zotero. Unfortunately, this did not change the line spacing in the bibliography. There is also the option "entry-spacing" but it is already 0.
  • I forgot to try and see what happens in "Style preview". It seems to be OK there (though still double-spaced in Word).
  • edited September 17, 2021
    You want to look at the "Bibliography" style in Word directly. I think it's called Styles and Formatting.
    Another option is to switch citation styles to a completely different one and try in a new document.
  • For this specific case though, there is an APA (single-spaced) style in the repository.
  • @damnation: Thanks for the tip. Indeed, in the whole list of styles in Word I found the "Bibliography" style which was (by default?) set with a line spacing of "Double". Changing this to "Single" fixed the issue even when refreshing the list of references (which was the concern before as it would always revert to double line spacing).
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