Sorting Bibliography by Date in Word

edited May 7, 2020
Is it possible to sort and export a bibliography into Word by date published instead of alphabetically? I'm using Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition.
  • You would need to edit the CSL style file. Open the style in the style editor in the Zotero Tools menu. Then in the “sort” section of the “bibliography” section near the bottom of the style, move <key variable="issued"/> to the top of the list. Then, change the style ID and title, save, and install into Zotero.
  • Thanks, I was able to follow up until moving the "key variable" part, but then I get stumped:

    1. How/where do I change the Style ID and Title?
    2. Once saved, how do I install this into Zotero?
    3. Presumably, since I'm naming this something other than Chicago Manual (full note), it will save as a separate style and not adulterate the original one?

  • Actually I just realized where I can find the Style ID and Title in the code:
    Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note)

    I'm still unsure about my above questions 2 & 3, though.

  • 2. Just double-clicking the saved .csl file will have Zotero prompt you to install it.
    3. Correct, yes, this will be entirely separate.
  • Thanks. I assume the title can be of my own creation, (E.g. Chicago Date Sort (full note), but how do I generate a URL for the Style ID? The one that is there now is
  • In technical terms, it's a URI, i.e. it doesn't actually have to exist as a link - just make something up that you're pretty sure will never exist as an official style (like )
  • It worked thanks! Now if I want to help a curator install this new style, do they also need to change the code on their Zotero Client, or can I email them the .csl file I created and saved on my laptop for them to install?
  • you can share the .csl file by email, Dropbox, etc. No need for others to make those changes.
  • edited May 7, 2020
    Thank you!
  • Hello Vincedmet,
    Would you be able to share the CSL file that you made which sorts bibliography by date in Word?

    It would be great if you can share it via this email!


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