update citation after add new citation to previous one

Hi, I find it can't update citation [1,2] to [1-3] when I add a new citation to previous citation field.
Could anyone help?
  • That should just work. What exactly are you doing and what happens?
  • when I put the cursor right after already existed citation [1,2], and then add another two citations. Refresh, the citation field shows as [1,2][3,4].
    It is supposed to be refreshed like [1-4].
  • I use MS Word as a word processor,BTW
  • You want to place the cursor _in_ the citation and click add/edit citation
  • edited August 29, 2021
    if I place the cursor _in_ the citation, the field color turns to grey. In this circumstance, the newly added citation will REPLACE the previous one. The citation shows as [1,2], but these two citations should be the 3rd and 4th references, and the previous 1st and 2nd references are deleted in the Reference field.
  • No it won't. It will allow you to add to the existing citations, that's why the button is called add/edit

    If that doesn't work for you, are you using the classic add citation dialog? I think there may be some bugginess with that.
  • I tried many times and I got it.
    You're right. The cursor should _in_ the citation field.
    But the other key point is to press 'multiple resources' and the previous citation will show in the right panel.

    Thanks alot!
  • Right that is with the classic dialog. With the standard one, they are immediately visible (toggle the default in the Cite tab of the Zotero preferences
  • edited August 29, 2021
    Yes. it is with the classic dialog.
    The standard one is difficult for me. Too hard for me to find references by searching author name or title.
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