Add-ons broken in the latest beta version (BBT, Zutilo, etc.)

edited August 30, 2021
[Admin note: The latest versions of Better BibTeX, Zutilo, and ZotFile are now compatible with Zotero 5.0.97-beta.41. Make sure you've updated to the latest versions of Zotero and all plugins, and start new threads for any further problems you encounter. — D.S.]

In the latest beta, 5.0.97-beta.39+dea4a47b6, some add-ons won't work properly. Currently, BBT's citekey column is broken. Zutilo is also not working properly. Users of the Zotero beta who are relying on add-ons such as BBT and Zutilo might want to disable Zotero updates until these issues are fixed.

If you've already installed the latest beta, you could revert to the previous version:
5.0.97-beta.38+f27432347 (Mac)
5.0.97-beta.38+f27432347 (Windows)
5.0.97-beta.38+f27432347 (Linux 64-bit)
5.0.97-beta.38+f27432347 (Linux 32-bit)

(I just reinstalled 5.0.97-beta.38+f27432347 and all is working again for me.)
  • This is likely related to the recent roll-out of jsx for the main pane. This is new territory for me, so this will take time for me to get up to speed.
  • What's not working with Zutilo? The main functionality seems to be working for me.

    The changes in the latest beta should mostly only affect things that modify the collection or item tree (e.g., BBT's custom citekey column). We've shared some sample code with plugin developers demonstrating the necessary changes, which hopefully will be pretty straightforward.
  • Where do I turn off the auto update feature?
  • @dstillman: Zutilo's keyboard shortcuts are broken. I had a first look at the Debug Output Logging, but there's not much information there. Zutilo uses meta keys for its keyboard shortcuts, but these seem to be ignored in the new HTML tree.

    You should be able to reproduce the issue if you follow these steps on a Windows or Linux setup.
  • @qqbb Thank You! What an amazing community this is. I got pretty desperate seeing all of my citekeys disappear right before writing a final paper.
  • I realize this is urgent, and I'll do my utmost, but this weekend I'll have almost no time, and the start of the week is also packed.
  • I've submitted a fix for Zutilo.
  • @dstillman If you have an opportunity, could you make the necessary fix for ZoteroQuickLook?
  • @bwiernik: That's not even working for me on macOS with the previous beta, so that's not something I can do.
  • Yesterday, I also get an update about zotero beta 39. I also find my zotfile add-ons broken. It cannot rename files and convert symbol links, I also revert to the previous version. Probably just like you said since it changes the main pane causing some add-ons just can't work.
  • I'm also having problems with Zotfile and BBT after updating beta. Zotfile can't seem to rename files to truncated titles even if that option is selected. I've reverted back to the previous version for now.
  • @dstillman it could be worthwhile pinning a thread with a descriptive message.
  • We've pushed a new beta build, 5.0.97-beta.40, that fixes ZotFile renaming. (ZotFile is using a function that's been deprecated for four years and was finally removed, but we've restored it for now.)

    @syfmark, @ellie-k
  • @dstillman thanks for your work. Because we can't afford the expense of cloud space, we need to use Zotfile to store files in another place. If the new version of Zotero could provide a new API to replace the current API which Zotfile using, please tell us. Then we will try to update the Zotfile code.
  • @syfmark: A deprecation warning that explains the change has been logged since 2017. It's a trivial change. ZotFile just hasn't really been under development for years.
  • And I was wondering where my citekeys had gone. Thanks.
  • edited August 29, 2021
    The work for BBT is tracked in I think the next build that drops there works with the new beta -- super thanks to @dstillman and @adomas for navigating me through this.
  • I'd hugely appreciate it if some of you could try the version posted on As always, these builds have passed my entire test suite; if a single test doesn't pass, no build gets dropped.
  • BBT 5.4.29 is out with full support for 5.0.97-beta.39+. Any problems found on the beta can be reported as normal issues.
  • The latest versions of Better BibTeX, Zutilo, and ZotFile should now be fully compatible with Zotero 5.0.97-beta.41. Make sure you've updated to the latest versions of Zotero and all plugins, and start new threads for any further problems you encounter.
This discussion has been closed.