zotero desktop - open just a folder as a full view?


it would be really helpful to be able to open up JUST a view of a particular folder and its subcollection - look like the main view - that's fine - but when sorting and organizing a ton of papers (as i'm doing now for a book) it would be so super just to be able to focus on those papers in that collection.

thank you

  • edited August 28, 2021
    You can collapse the left-hand pane by dragging it closed or via View → Layout → Collections Pane, if that's what you mean.

    If you're saying you want a view that only shows a single collection and its subcollections in the left-hand pane, no, that's not possible and not likely to happen.
  • yup i'm saying a view that shows only a single collection - that is opens a new window with only that collection in it.

    like click on a collection and get the option "open in new window"

    Thank you for letting me know

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