How to configure the editor to download the attachment PDF of the literature in sci-hub through url

edited August 25, 2021
I configured PDF retrieval([]( via the extensions.zotero.findPDFs.resolvers ([]( pref (Advanced preferences → Config Editor),The code is as follows:

{ 'name':'Sci-Hub', 'method':'GET', 'url':'{doi}', 'mode':'html', 'selector':'#pdf', 'attribute':'src', 'automatic':true }

At present, it is possible to download PDF for documents through doi, but some articles (for example: A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions) do not have doi, so they will fail to download PDF through the URL where the literature is located, but they can be downloaded at sci-hub through the URL. I would like to ask how I should modify my code in order to realize the PDF of downloading documents through url?
  • Change doi to url in the code
  • Thank you. In fact, I actually tried to change doi to url before I asked the question, but it didn't work.
  • That should be the correct code. Are you able to access the PDF if you use the service directly?
  • edited August 27, 2021
    @bwiernik I have changed the doi in the code to url as you said before, that is, the following paragraph↓

    However, the PDF that should have been downloaded from sci-hub is still not available. The literature link for the example is{ 'name':'Sci-Hub', 'method':'GET', 'url':'{url}', 'mode':'html', 'selector':'#pdf', 'attribute':'src', 'automatic':true }

    However, the PDF that should have been downloaded from sci-hub is still not available. The literature link for the example is,Using its link in sci-hub, can be easily downloaded to the corresponding PDF in the literature
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