Feature request: Ability to view group info and manage groups directly within the Zotero app

Currently when we view group libraries within the desktop/web/mobile app, all we see is the name of the group and number of items in it. There is no way to tell who the members are and modify any group settings. We have to go a separate browser page (https://www.zotero.org/groups) to get any info about or manage the groups.

It would be great if more information on the group libraries can be provided within the desktop app and the web library. Info such as name of members, description for the group, and possibility ability to edit the group settings.

A possible good place to display and add management settings for the groups would be on the right most pane 3rd pane. Currently when you click on a group library, the 3rd pane only shows the numbers of items in the group. I understand ability to add group management settings within this pane is non trivial. However, initially only displaying group information could be a good start.
  • Hi. I am following up to see if this feature request is being considered.
  • We have no plans for this, sorry, and some of it would likely be problematic for technical and/or privacy-related reasons.

    You can make the case for it, but given that you can just double-click on the group in the left-hand pane to open it on the website, it's pretty unlikely that we'd put resources into duplicating the management features in the app.

    Improvements to the group management pages on the website are definitely planned, though those likely won't happen this year.
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