How to find 10 out of 300 items not cited in document?

edited August 25, 2021
Hello fellow Forumers!

There are 300 items in my library but only 290 items in my bibliography.
Is there an automatic way to check which 10 out of 300 items were not cited?
I want to make sure that it is a fact that I did not use 10 items and it was not an omission in creating bibliography by Zotero.

Thank you and good night
  • First, Zotero always generates a bibliography containing all and only the references you inserted in the document. (Unless you added some via the edit bibliography menu.) So this isn't something you should need to check, unless you want to know which ones are missing for other reasons (e.g. adding missing items to your literature review).

    There isn't an automated way to check which items are in a document. (There are some indirect ways to extract that information, but it wouldn't then be directly compared to your library, etc.)

    The easiest way to do this probably would be to use a website that compares text for differences (for example: with your document's bibliography, and a bibliography generated from your library in Zotero. (You can do that by right clicking on your library and choosing "Export Library..." in the same format as your document.)
  • @queenbalmone: Use Reference Extractor to select cited items in Zotero, drag those to a new collection, and then create an advanced/saved search for items that not in that collection.
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