Zotero connector/translator issue with Gale Databases

When using the zotero connector with Gale Databases (Times Digital Archive & Daily Mail) the connector works as it should for the first page of results (saving all results with the envelope icon), but for the second page of results onwards the envelope doesn't appear - what appears is an icon similar to the webpage icon, and then an error message

An error occurred saving with Gale Databases. Attempting to save using Save as Webpage instead.

URL: https://go.gale.com/ps/paginate.do?tabID=Newspapers&lm=DA~119760101+-+119861231&searchResultsType=SingleTab&qt=TXT~“sex+discrimination”+AND+(work+OR+employment)+NOT+"equal+pay"&searchId=R2&searchType=AdvancedSearchForm&currentPosition=21&userGroupName=ed_itw&inPS=true&sort=Pub+Date+Forward+Chron&prodId=TTDA

This was working fine in April 2021 so this is a new issue since then.

Debug ID
  • @AbeJellinek that'd co-incide with with your re-write?
    (Note that the old translator was submitted by Gale's developers, so there may be something to be said for reverting to that)
  • Huh! I guess I didn't test on page 2.

    @adamsmith: We would still be using the old one if it still worked, but I had to rewrite it because some pages no longer have the Zotero-specific markup that it depended on. There were some aspects of its approach that I think were more solid - I'll incorporate them.
  • Fixed. Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences. Thanks for reporting this issue, and let me know if everything works right on your end now!
  • Thanks very much @AbeJellinek, working fine now!!
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