Updating DateAdded in SyncCache

edited July 5, 2021
I want to edit DateAdded for some items so they will sort and group properly within an 11 volume set. I updated Items.dateAdded in the database and now it sorts properly there, but apparently that field is not used for the Date Added column in the UI. The only other DateAdded I could find in the database is in the SyncCache table. Can those fields be updated safely?
  • Sorry, if you've made manual changes to the database, you're completely on your own. That's strongly discouraged and completely unsupported.

    You won't be able to receive any further help here until you delete your local database and pull it down fresh from the online library, and then take a step back and just explain the problem in Zotero that you're trying to solve.
  • Ok done, thanks. I've got a fresh pull from the server. The problem I'm trying to solve is to sort several multi-volume sets together while maintaining the otherwise chronological ordering.
  • edited July 5, 2021
    If you systematically make a minor change to an unused field or to Extra, you can then sort by 'modified date' to achieve the grouping you want.

    If you are confronted with only 11 volumes (and do not have multiple chapters per volume) and your obsessive/compulsive disorder is very strong; you could simply re-enter the records. (That would break links to all documents and you would need to edit the manuscripts to reestablish the links.)

    I accept and understand your desire for order but my own OCD now isn't quite so severe. That said, in my youth the lack of sequence you describe might have kept me awake at night. As I've aged such things are now rather disquieting but tolerable. Like Agatha Christy's Miss Lemon of the Poirot novels, I dream of filing systems and thesauri at night. Twenty years ago I would have most definitely re-entered and reconnected the 11 records in my pre-Zotero Reference Manager database.
  • edited July 5, 2021
    Thank you.
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