Quick question about zotfile and linked files

I've been a long time Zoter user, but since I never strategised my pdf filing method at the start it's starting to get a bit hectic now.

I have a very large PDF database which is divided into both Zotero storage (my mac) and Google Drive.
From now on I want to start storing all pdfs in Google Drive and link the files using Zotfile.
The thing is, I have separate subfolders for journal articles and ebooks etc under a single folder in Google Drive.
If I set the Zotfile base directory as the main folder in GD, and then move the file into a sub folder, will the link to the file attachment break?

Is there a better way to sort my files? I have about 8 gb of pdfs, with most of them in the storage folder of the Zotero desktop app. But recently I thought it be best to link them from GD as I can open those GD-stored files on ipad Goodreader and annotate (I don't think I have enough money to spend on Zotero storage ATM).

Also, is there a way to convert a stored-file in Zotero into a linked filed in GD? eg, "send and convert to linked attachment"?

  • If I set the Zotfile base directory as the main folder in GD, and then move the file into a sub folder, will the link to the file attachment break?
    Yes. If you move any file after it's linked (with Zotfile or otherwise), the link will break.
    Also, is there a way to convert a stored-file in Zotero into a linked filed in GD? eg, "send and convert to linked attachment"?
    That's what Zotfile's rename function does -- it turns a stored file into a linked file in the custom location specified in the Zotfile preferences.
    Is there a better way to sort my files? I have about 8 gb of pdfs, with most of them in the storage folder of the Zotero desktop app. But recently I thought it be best to link them from GD as I can open those GD-stored files on ipad Goodreader and annotate (I don't think I have enough money to spend on Zotero storage ATM).
    "Better" is in the eye of the beholder, but Zotfile does allow you to specify subdirectories in the custom location based on the Zotero metadata of files. Many people find that useful for finding the files.
  • wow, thanks adamsmith.
    I didn't know you could specify subdirectories based on metadata. That would be a very big help.
    Just wondering if you can do the same with the Zotero rename function, or if it only goes to a single specified directory.
    I'll do a bit more research now I know about that function.

  • Just wondering if you can do the same with the Zotero rename function, or if it only goes to a single specified directory.
    No, Zotero doesn't move files at all, that'd have to be done with Zotfile.
  • Hey there! I have the same issue but with onedrive, a Mac, AND a PC. Eeeeek! I've been putting it off as well but know eventually I will play with this and see if there are potential similarities for a solution.
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