Mysterious letters appearing after the year

I have the following (Chicago) in text "overran (cited in Watson 1992a, 117)." The 'a' does not belong, as there is no other author in my library with the name 'Watson'.
  • I found and redid a 'Watson 1992b' and it came back as 'a'. Then refreshed and the 'a' disappeared. Not sure why it first appeared, but I found the solution.
  • Update: Solution does not always work. I have a common author, two different years (and cites). For some reason one gets 'a' and the other gets 'b'. Please help.
  • Have you looked at the bibliography? It's hard to say, but I'd suspect duplicate items (potentially hidden in some way) might be the actual problem here, but they'd show up in the bibliography.
  • Solved: the trick is to close both Word and Zotero and then reopen and refresh.
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