Zotero for IOS - Barcode scanner

First, thank you to develop an app for smartphone (IOS and Android).

Second, I didn't aware about https://www.zotero.org/blog/scan-books-into-zotero-from-your-iphone-or-ipad/ for IOS and https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/363454#Comment_363454 for Android. So, certainly, I will not the only one.

A button on the App to facilitate this integration will be good.
  • The proposed solution for IOS does not work on my device under IOS 14.4.2 after downloading the shortcut, allowing the use of the camera and connecting to Zotero.

    A dedicated button to ensure data integration is essential for Zotero on smartphone to make sense. I can't see myself entering the information by hand on such a small device.
  • What exactly isn't working with the shortcut?

    But if you're using the beta iOS app you can just save from the web as you can on the desktop.

    Barcode scanning may be integrated into a future version of the iOS app.
  • It would be nice to have the barcode scanner in the iOS app
  • Dear dstillman,
    It is not possible with all the browsers.
    For example, I am using https://search.lilo.org which not allow to connect with Zotero like it is the case with Chrome or Safari on Iphone.
    More, I have to find the book despite with barcode scanner, I have not. Just flashing the barcode is much more effective when you got a library of more than one thousand of books ;-)
  • edited July 1, 2022
    We've added book barcode scanning in the latest Zotero for iOS beta, as well as the ability to scan ISBNs and DOIs using the camera when using Add by Identifier. Please start a new thread for any issues.
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