[ BUG REPORT ] please help me, zotero wont connect to google doc anymore

hello. i am on linux mint/firefox . using the zotero

firefox is updated

when i try to connect to zotero in google doc, i get this error


i tested it on another laptop with windows 10/firefox . still same error

please help me :(((
  • That would happen if you select a Google account that's different from the one you used to originally create the Google Doc. This has nothing to do with the email address you used for your Zotero account.

    Restart your browser and try again, and choose the correct account.
  • edited June 15, 2021
    thanks @dstillman but it didnt work

    just to be sure, i logged out of all my gmail accounts except the one which created the doc. i closed and re-opened firefox and zotero. still same error ...

    im from iran by the way
  • This is a 403 Forbidden error from Google, and I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it. If possible, you can try with a VPN to see if connecting from a different IP address makes a difference.

    You can also try in a private window just to make sure there are no cookies for any accounts other than the one that created the document.
  • @dstillman

    private window resulted in the same error

    i'll try later again with a proxy

    are you sure it is due to my location? because, up until 2 days ago it worked perfectly. why would google suddenly block iran/me ? its so strange
  • It's certainly not a global problem and Zotero is working fine with Google docs for people. The 403 HTTP error is known as an authorization error. Google decides to return it for your Google Docs requests, but doesn't include more information, so it's hard to say what the actual cause is.
  • edited June 15, 2021
    same problem with a vpn. both in normal and private window. on a windows 7 pc with another gmail acc....

    i would be very grateful if this issue was to be resolvable. because if not i have to install windows and office :(
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