APA Bibliography format

Hello hive mind,
I have seen one or two similar postings, but nothing exactly the same and those solutions didn't seem to help me here. I am using Microsoft Word, and APA 7 for the document. The reference list is there, it updates and has all the relevant information. But the formatting is not at all APA 7. It's single spaced and no hanging indent. I tried deleting and reinserting the list and inserting the list elsewhere in the document, but it looks the same. Any ideas?
  • Switch to a different citation style and back, that typically fixes it.
  • That seems to have done the trick! So simple. Thanks!!
  • I have the same problem as my references are not italicizing in APA 7. When I changed to APA 6 it works but when I switched to 7 it was gone again. Any other suggestion?
  • If this is italics in particular (rather than spacing and indents as above), you're likely seeing https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/italics_in_word_bibliographies
  • I'm not understanding the above link. My problem is the journal or book title is not italicizing; Here's an example:
    Collin, A. (2009). Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary collaboration: Implications for vocational psychology. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 9(2), 101–110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-009-9155-2

    The 6th ed of APA is working but not the 7th ed. of APA. Can you please let me know an easy to understand solution?
  • What's the first reference in the bibliography?
  • I had some info missing from my first reference and when I fixed it, the whole thing got fixed. Weird.
  • No, that makes sense. As per the above kb article, due to a Word bug, italics in the bibliography break if more than 50% of the first item in the bibliography is in italics. I'm guessing this is a book -- since APA 6 still has the publisher place in the bibliography, that'd have made the difference, as would adding additional non-title information such as an additional author or an edition.
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