Problem using Zotero with Word 2008 french (Mac user)

I have got some problem using zotero with word 2008.
I have just installed Zotero 2.0 Beta and the word processor plugin for zotero 2.0
As requested, I moved the installed zotero folder in the "word script menu items"

When I open word, I can see the new icon (as shown here but nothing work...
If I want to "Add citation" : the active screen is the one with zotero but the specific window that let us add a citation is not open.

Is there something I forget to do?
I don't have many knowledge in computer, so I really don't now how to act... furthermore, I'm a mac user till 2 month.

Could you be able to help me?

Thank you for reading my post, I hope that my English is not too bad and that you would be able to understand my request.
  • the active screen is the one with zotero but the specific window that let us add a citation is not open.
    So you're saying that Firefox comes to the front when you select Add Citation from Word, but the Add Citation window doesn't appear?

    After trying this, if there are errors within Report Errors under the gear menu in Zotero, send in a report and post the Report ID here.
  • Yes, it's exactly what I mean, The Add Citation window doesn't appear...
  • I've been having the same problem. I've just upgraded to a new macbook pro, and my Word 2008 plugin is not working. I'm using the beta version of zotero 2.0b7.r4991. When I tried to add a citation from Word, nothing happened. It was like I never tried to add the citation.
  • Since you're on the trunk you'll need to be running the latest build of the Word plugin, which is still undergoing testing (it's now its own separate Firefox add-on). Are you running this new plugin? If so, have you quit and restarted Word since installing the plugin?
  • Sean, no, I'm not running the new plugin. Could you direct me to it?
  • edited August 27, 2009
    Before we go any further, why exactly are you running the trunk? In general it's not a good idea to be on the trunk unless you're doing active development or are prepared to suffer moderate to severe disruptions (like this one). Since there were no schema changes between 2.0b6.5 and r4991, you could easily downgrade to the last beta and use the existing Word plugin. And just to make things clear to other readers who may encounter this thread, your problem has nothing to do with your new computer.
  • Honestly, I don't know how I opted to run the trunk. I'm not a developer. Are there instructions posted on how to downgrade to the last beta? That seems like the easiest option.
  • Click the 2.0 beta download button at
  • Worked like a charm. Thanks, Sean.
  • Sorry but I don't think that I understand all that have been said...

    I have installed zotero 2.0 beta. There is various kind of beta version? And it's the last one that you called "trunk"? And this version still don't have the Word plugin developped?
    Euh... What's a "trunk"?

    How can I do to know wich "zotero beta version" is installed?
    If it's the last one, how do I recognize it?
    How can I do to install the previous zotero beta version? I don't remember having the choice between various version of zotero 2.0 beta...
    And Finally if i succeed in installing the good version of zotero, the plugin installed will worked normally, I don't have to install a new one?

    Thank you very much for reading my various questions...
    Hope that you could be able to explain me this.
  • OK zotero works correctly... I download zotero from the 2.0 beta dowload button and all seems ok.

    But, is it possible for us to explain me what is a trunk?

    Thank to all of you.

  • See for an explanation.

    Do you not remember installing that version?
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