HTML formating of notes in a report


I am facing the following problem/bug in Zotero 2.05b

When I generate a report of several items in my library, the creation just works fine
BUT my notes which contain HTML code (bold, ul li tags and so on) are not formatted properly but are output as escaped HTML code. So I can actually see the HTML tags. I thing this is not meant to be so, and it would be nice if this could be fixed in a future version.

  • Do you have some example that can be replicated? HTML notes are exported as-is. Does your generated report validate?
  • Here is an example of a report I generated:

    As you can see the notes (Notizen) contain HTML code...
  • A work-around is to add non-list content (a paragraph) above or below the note.
  • ok the work around works fine

    thanks a lot
  • mc
    edited August 25, 2009
    I have the same problem but some notes show up in the report fine, while other show up with the HTML tags.

    My notes are for Chapters in a book. They all begin with the chapter number and title in H2. Adding a paragraph at the bottom doesn't work. Changing the chapter number/title to plain paragraph text does stop the rendering problem but my notes are out of sequence in the report but not in the middle pane, i.e. in the report, chapters in H2 appear first in sequence and then chapters with plain paragraphs appear next in sequence. And also, the point of using version 2 is to make my notes look good when they are printed out.

    If I look at the report source code, notes that show up incorrectly have the format:
    <li id="i1129793">
    <p class="plaintext">&amp;lt;h2&amp;gt;Chapter 05 - Title&amp;lt;/h2&amp;gt;

    Notice that the tag for H2 has the HTML code for < and > rather than those symbols. This is the same for all the HTML tags.

    Where the notes that show up correctly have the format:
    <li id="i1129663">
    <h2>Chapter 01 - Title</h2>

    Any suggestions?

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