iPad Beta: Unable to extract citations using Zotfile

I have the iPad beta version and have created highlights in one of my sources PDF.

However when I try and extract the citations on my desktop using Zotfile:

Manage Attachments > Extract Annotations

...nothing happens.

Any ideas? TIA.
  • If you're using the iOS beta, you should be using Zotero's new PDF reader, not ZotFile.
  • Thanks, yes I am using Zotero's new PDF reader. How would I extract the citations? I can't find how to do this. TIA.
  • Open the notes pane on the right side of the PDF reader and either click the + to create a note from all annotations, or add individual annotations to a note by dragging or right-click and choosing "Add to Note".

    You can also create a note from all of an item's annotations by right-clicking on the parent item in the items list and choosing "Add Note from Annotations".
  • Wonderful. Many thanks for your help!
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