Copying PDF file

From a reference entry, to copy the PDF file, I need to first open in Finder and then copy the PDF file.

Is there any better way to do this? A shortcut, an extension, or drag-and-drop? When I want to quickly email a PDF file from Zotero, the process is quite cumbersome.

Would this be too OS-specific?

  • It depends on where you're dragging. For some destinations, you can just drag the attachment item straight from Zotero. That varies by OS and program, though.
  • Can you give an example of dragging the attachment? OS and program? I want to try.

    I'm on macOS and it doesn't seem to work. But I can try different OS and programs.
  • edited May 8, 2021
    You can drag to Gmail or Thunderbird. For Apple Mail, you need to click the Attach button first and then drag into the Open dialog (which will work with any Open dialog on macOS).

    And if you actually want to copy the file, you can just drag to Finder.

    Note that, in all these cases, the file needs to exist locally first, so if you're using download-as-needed file-sync mode and you added the file on another computer, you'll need to open the file once first.
  • Would have been wonderful with just right click copy and then paste in the applicarion
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