Citation for epub
I'm currently having issues with how to complete the info section for papers that have been epublished but don't yet have volume/issue numbers.
For instance, one journal states they want the bibliography to look like this:
Author AB, Author CD. Title of paper published as Epub. Journal Title 2020. Epub 15 December.
I don't know how to edit the info section of the paper to reproduce the above. Can anyone help? If I manually edit the bibliography then every time I hit refresh I have to re-do it.
Thank you
I'm currently having issues with how to complete the info section for papers that have been epublished but don't yet have volume/issue numbers.
For instance, one journal states they want the bibliography to look like this:
Author AB, Author CD. Title of paper published as Epub. Journal Title 2020. Epub 15 December.
I don't know how to edit the info section of the paper to reproduce the above. Can anyone help? If I manually edit the bibliography then every time I hit refresh I have to re-do it.
Thank you
Thank you
What I do is _not_ necessarily what you should do. I know that I will need to edit the ePub bibliographic items in my final (post Zotero) manuscript version. This is because of what I choose to enter (or do not enter) in each of the Zotero fields in each Zotero library record.
I overwrite the publisher-supplied volume, issue, and pagination metadata. I enter "ePub" in the volume and issue fields and leave the pagination field empty. I enter the publication date as the year of the ePub-ahead-of-print (knowing that the year may change upon the appearance 'in-print').
There may be a better way to do this. If so, I'd love to have advice to better fit what is in my Zotero records with what the styles "want" to properly format the citations.
@adamsmith Any comments?
Have a great week!