Style Request: Social Anthropology

edited April 28, 2021
Dear Zotero-Team,

I'm currently writing an article for a publication in the Social Anthropology Journal, which request a specific citation style ( This particular style is not available in the Zotero Style Repository. The stlyle is, however, availble for endnote (.ens file):

Could you please create the style for Zotero. Here are the information:

a. Citations within the text:

Single author quotation: (Bayly 1993: 208)
Two authors, more than one page: (Humphrey and Hugh-Jones 1991: 124-6)
Several authors: (Goody et al 1987: 25) Citation of another author's work in secondary text: (Laidlaw 1996 cited in Lewis 1998: 45).

b. Bibliography:

Single author monograph:
Malinowski, B. 1922. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge.

Two authors/chapter in book:
Bitušíková, A. and K. Koštialová 2009. Gender and governance in rural communities of postsocialist Slovakia, in L. Kürti and P. Skalník (eds.), Postsocialist Europe: anthropological perspectives from home, 29—50. Oxford: Berghahn.

Journal article:
Mangiameli, G. 2013. ‘The clouds of the paramount chief: interpreting the taboo of rainwater among the Kasena of North-Eastern Ghana’, Journal des Anthropologues 132—133: 339—359.

Thanks a lot.


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