Style Request: Carocci Editore

Hi there, from a newbie in using Zotero. I was wondering if somebody could point a similar style (or create a new one) to the one used by the Italian publisher Carocci, reported here:
(unfortunately, the pdf is Italian only...)

In-text citation:
(Campbell, Pedersen, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)
(Campbell, Pedersen, 2007; Mares, 2001)

Campbell J. L., Pedersen O. K. (2007), The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, in "Comparative Political Studies", 40(3), pp.307–332.
Mares I. (2001), Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in P. A. Hall, D. Soskice (Eds.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 184–213.

Below I provide a few more examples, not including Campbell nor Mares ;)

Many thanks!

In-text citation:
Boyer, Saillard (2001);
Moretti (2003-2005); Moretti (1997a; 1997b); Gregory et al. (1895) (cfr. Bobbio, 1996); (Rossi, 1985; O’Connor, 2003)

(ibid.) when the same text and the same page are referred to, and “(ivi, p.39)” if same reference, but different page/volume.

BOBBIO N. (1996), Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia, Laterza, Roma-Bari.

BETTINI M. (1998), I Classici nella Bufera della Modernità, in “Critica del testo”, III.1, pp. 25-38.
BONAMENTE G. (2005), Costantino santo, in “Critica Storica”, 22, pp. 42-65.

Edited Books
BENNETT M. (a cura di) (2012), Principi di comunicazione interculturale, Franco Angeli, Milano.

Chapters in books
DURANTE S. (2005), La guida armonica di Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni: un documento sugli stili in uso a Roma al tempo di Corelli, in S. Durante, P. Petrobelli (a cura di), Nuovissimi studi corelliani, Atti del terzo convegno internazionale (Fusignano 9-12 settembre 2003), Olschki,
Firenze, pp. 285-307.

Recurrent authors:
BALZAC H . DE (1995), …
CUTRO A . (a cura di) (2000), …
DE MARTINO E. (1975)…
GOETHE J. W. VON (1783), …
OLIVELLE P. (1997a), …
ID. (1997b), …

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