word is not refreshing with zotero info changes

I have Zotero linked to the word in windows 10, normally it is fine but there are few challenges with some references, as when I do the changes in the Zotero references info section, they do not appear in the word file despite the fact that I do refresh the document or even close it and reopen it again few times, there are some changes specifically the (n.d) are not refreshing in the word references list.
I have had to delete the references from the Zotero library few times and use google scholar BibTex to add them again but still the same problem!
I had to do it manually after unlinking Zotero to the word at the end as I need to submit my document to my supervisors
  • I have had to delete the references from the Zotero library few times and use google scholar BibTex to add them again but still the same problem!
    And just to be clear: that will definitely unlink a reference from Zotero.
  • Thanks for your reply, sounds like non of the reasons listed are causing the item to be unlinked so maybe I need the update?
    if reinserting the item manually with google scholar unlink it from Zotero, so what is the best way to add a reference to Zotero library ?!
  • No, again, if you unlinked citations in the document, those are just flat text with no connection to Zotero. If you deleted the items in Zotero and reimported (which there's never any reason to do — if anything you would want to merge two items), you would have orphaned citations in your document that will never update again.

    If your citations are flattened or no longer linked to your library, you'll need to delete them in the document and reinsert them from your library using the plugin.
  • Okay, thank you, I guess you are helping me with the document when it includes field codes. The flat text document you speak about isn’t linked to Zotero.
    I am a beginner in Zotero and trying my best to explain the problem.
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