PDF reader: highlighting across pages

edited March 28, 2021
Is there a trick to highlighting a sentence or passage that crosses a page turn without having to resort to separating into different sections?
  • In PDF standard everything is strictly divided into separate pages. Unfortunately, there is no trick to achieve this.

    Do you know any PDF reader that would allow to do something like that?
  • @martynas_b : Yes, Evince for Linux do this.
  • I don't know of one although Preview for Mac at least lets me select across pages (to copy for example) even if it separates when highlighted.
  • @eporte Evince still creates two individual annotations.

    In future we will also allow to select across pages and create multiple annotations.
  • Citavi allows for selecting and highlighting across pages by holding control while selecting text. You can even unselect selected text by holding the shift button. You can then transform the selected text into one note (called knowledge element in Citavi) and Citavi would automatically add the page range. Nice feature.
  • That sounds like a great feature. Just hopping in to say that I would be very interested to see it implemented.
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