IOS Beta: share from library search engine to add item

I am testing out Zotero on my iPhone and was wondering whether it would be possible to add the same feature as the Safari connector on MacOS. I know it is possible to share a pdf to the Zotero library but what I enjoy about the connector is its ability to read off a reference from a search engine. Proposed feature would be the possibility to use Safari on ios, go to a library’s search engine and look up a book. When it is found you should be able to press share to Zotero and it reads off the metadata and adds it to the Zotero library.

Thank you
  • This is already possible.
  • But Zotero only appears in the share sheet when it is a pdf. It doesn’t appear when it is on a regular webpage.
  • edited March 27, 2021
    It doesn’t appear when it is on a regular webpage.
    It does — that's a main feature of the app — but there's some bugginess in iOS 14 that prevents it from appearing all the time. People are reporting this with a lot of different apps. We're trying to get it to appear as reliably as possible, but ultimately this will likely need to be fixed by Apple in an iOS update.
  • Thank you. I have experienced some weird behaviour from the share sheet with other apps as you say. Hope Apple fix it soon!!
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