Dedicated Word style used for in-text citations?
Just as one can customise the style with which references are inserted by Zotero in a Word document (the "Bibliography" style), it would be very useful for in-text citations to have a style of their own as well.
However, in my case at least (Word 2016, Zotero, citations are just inserted using the Normal style, wwhich makes it impossible to customise their formatting independent of the manuscript's main text.
I searched past threads on here to no avail. The only two suggested workarounds were:
1) Use the EndnoteText style - but this style isn't in fact used by Zotero
2) Insert citations in their paragraph and then use the Delete key to bring them up in the paragraph where they belong - doing so does insert text that is differently formatted from Normal, however Word's Style Inspector still shows it to be the Normal style.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Just as one can customise the style with which references are inserted by Zotero in a Word document (the "Bibliography" style), it would be very useful for in-text citations to have a style of their own as well.
However, in my case at least (Word 2016, Zotero, citations are just inserted using the Normal style, wwhich makes it impossible to customise their formatting independent of the manuscript's main text.
I searched past threads on here to no avail. The only two suggested workarounds were:
1) Use the EndnoteText style - but this style isn't in fact used by Zotero
2) Insert citations in their paragraph and then use the Delete key to bring them up in the paragraph where they belong - doing so does insert text that is differently formatted from Normal, however Word's Style Inspector still shows it to be the Normal style.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
You could achieve what you want both by using the field shading in Word/LibreOffice and/or by using a citation style that just applies the formatting that you want (e.g. bolds and underlines in-text citations)
This is actually a great workaround for a feature I still wish Zotero had: being able to customise in-text citations, in particular make them of a slightly lighter font colour, so that they stand out more easily when reading (as is the formatting style of Frontiers journals, for instance!).
Unfortunately, for me the workaround is of limited use, since (due to sensitive eyes) I use Word in "dark mode", meaning I set documents' font colour to light grey and their page background to black. If I make fields always visible in such a setup, their highlight colour becomes instinguishable from their font colour and you can't read a thing.
Any other thinkable workarounds?...
Several other users have highlighted the need for such a feature, for instance (after a brief search) @eric_f and @seabass86 ( and @smoother (
I am happy to test any code-in-progress, or to explain my case for this feature necessity further, if need be.
If you guys say it ain't possible though, then I believe you ;)
This is how I achievd it (in word):
+++LIMITATIONS: This method applies the style to ALL fields in the word document, it only really works if you don't have any other fields beside those generated by Zotero+++
- First add all citations into the document
- Create a new character style with the format you need for you citations (
Next I needed to highlight all Zotero inline citations in the text in order to apply the character style:
1. Display all field codes in the document by pressing "ALT + F9".
3. Open Words “Advanced Find” to trigger the “Find and Replace” dialog box.
4. Enter “^d” into the search field and click “Find In” and choose “Main Document” to find all fields.
5. All fields should now be highlighted. Asign the character style to the selection by just clicking on the style while everything is highlighted.
6. If you have already created a bibliography delete the character style from it.
7. Hide the field codes again by pressing "ALT + F9" again.