Adding original date to style


I am familiar with the possibility to add "original-date" to the "Extra" column, but the style I use do not have support for this. I am using a slightly modified version of "World Politics": Politics .

Could someone possibly help me out by suggesting what I should add to the CSL-file in order for this to work?

Thanks in advance.
  • As you say that you have modified it already, better to upload your style to pastebin/hastebin and share the link here. Then it's easier for us to help.
  • Of course! I should have thought of that already.

    Here you go:
  • For example, you could replace line 415 with:

    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text macro="date"/>
    <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="original-date" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>

  • edited March 15, 2021
    Thanks! However, this seems to only apply to the bibliography - I guess I should have clarified that I would also like to have the original date included in the actual citations (the footnotes, that is): like this, for example: Johnson (2010 [1880]: 225)
  • Well, you have the basic code there. You can adapt it for in-text in a very similar fashion.
  • Ok, I'm not sure I know how to do that, but I will certainly have a try at it. Thanks!
  • Got it working! Thanks again.
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