Unable to add PDF article

When I try to add the PDF version of the article, it does not give me the option of "Attach stored copy of file". Do I have to enable some setting in order to add PDF manually?
I also tried dragging the file to the article, but it does not allow me to add PDF. Please help...
  • I'm not clear what you're trying here. Can you explain exactly what you're doing, step by step, what's happening at each step, and what you expect to happen?

    See Steps to Reproduce.
  • Add journal article --> add information (title, authors...) -->right click and add attachment --> does not give me the option of "attach stored copy of file"

    I have another group libraries besides the one I am working on. In the other one, by doing exactly the same way above, it shows the option of "attach stored copy of file" and attach downloaded PDF instead of website PDF.
  • That group just doesn't allow files to be added. Open public groups don't allow files.

    Also note that creating items manually and manually attaching files really isn't the best way to use Zotero. Read through Adding Items to Zotero to understand the better ways to add things to your library.
  • "That group just doesn't allow files to be added. Open public groups don't allow files." This solved the issue! Thank you so much.
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