Zotero storage full, pdfs stored locally, do I need to do anything?

Hello, I just got an alert from Zotero that my 300MB storage area is full.

I hadn't intended to store pdfs in Zotero's cloud. I didn't know Zotero was storing pdfs there. I download pdfs and keep them locally on my computer (and share via Google Drive).

Having reached the Zotero storage limit, do I need to change the way I use Zotero?

How should I set Preferences > File Syncing to stop storing pdfs in Zotero storage?

Other than the pdfs, the information in my Zotero applications (so far, on a Mac desktop and Macbook Air) is unaffected by not having any free storage space, is that correct?

  • You can just turn file syncing, yes.

    If you're not planning to use Zotero file syncing going forward, you can also click Purge Storage in My Library on the storage settings page, which will take you back down to 0 MB usage (and free up space in case you want to use storage in Zotero groups you own, for example).

    Currently nothing else counts against your storage space, but other things may in the future.
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