Word 2004 (Mac) Plugin - added buttons not responsive

I hate for my first post to be a negative one (as I *love* Zotero most of the time) but here goes: I just downloaded the MS Word plugin for Mac. I'm pretty sure that I installed it correctly, since I have the three zotero buttons in Word now. However, nothing happens when I click on them. No error messages or anything--just no respond whatsoever. Am I missing something?
  • Matt i'm havieng the same problem. First i've got no massages, and now a have a message telling to check if my firefox is opened, and i'm sure it is.
  • I'm having same problem. Sometimes I get Error 5. Sometimes after going to set style and selecting Chicago I get Run-time error:'-2147483640(-7FFFFFF8)' Automation error.
  • Hey guys, if you're still having this problem, make sure that you're running beta 4 of Zotero. I just upgraded by beta 3 (I thought I was running the latest beta, but apparently not) and this fixed the problem. I'm now running version 1.0.0b4.r5 and, so far, the Word integration works flawlessly. Did I mention that I love Zotero? :)

    You can get the latest beta by using the download link on the main page: http://www.zotero.org/
  • Hey guys,

    I'm also having a NEW problem with Word integration. it used to work, but now when I try to cite something I get a dialog box saying:

    "An error occurred communicating with Zotero. Please ensure Firefox is open and try again."

    I'm running beta 4, r5 of zotero, and I've tried re-starting both word and Firefox, to no avail! Help!
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