PDF reader to annotate in Markdown
I am using ObsidianMD and hence wanted to export notes into markdown.
I saw a few videos of the workflow involving pluglins like ZotFile.
My concern is with which PDF editor to use? What kind of annotations will move into markdown? I see the tutorials using Mac and iOS, they tend to use "default" pdf reader (?), but I use PDFX-Change on Windows. I tried almost all the commenting/annotation options there and couldn't get any note extracted so on windows, which PDF reader to use with what kind of annotation??
I simply want to take notes over PDF that then goes into my OBSIDIAN.
Plus, I use iPad for reading too. And I have a google sync active so the annotations in the iPad are synced onto my PC as well. I intend to capture all the notes in the PDF that I make anywhere into Zotero as MD.
Please suggest and help.
I saw a few videos of the workflow involving pluglins like ZotFile.
My concern is with which PDF editor to use? What kind of annotations will move into markdown? I see the tutorials using Mac and iOS, they tend to use "default" pdf reader (?), but I use PDFX-Change on Windows. I tried almost all the commenting/annotation options there and couldn't get any note extracted so on windows, which PDF reader to use with what kind of annotation??
I simply want to take notes over PDF that then goes into my OBSIDIAN.
Plus, I use iPad for reading too. And I have a google sync active so the annotations in the iPad are synced onto my PC as well. I intend to capture all the notes in the PDF that I make anywhere into Zotero as MD.
Please suggest and help.
(i) Make annotations in your favourite pdf editor (in my case PDFPen Pro)
(ii) Extract these annotations via zotfile into Zotero
(iii) Transform & export via zotero-md as markdown into your Obsidian vault.
I have been using this set-up for a few months and it works well.