How do I restrict a bibliography in Word to a single collection or a specific tag?

Say I want to have a list of figures and a list of tables, with source attributions of course. It is easy to just add a cite to the end of the image or table caption, but the reference lists (bibliographies) must be restricted to figures for one and tables for the other list of references.

Can this be done by stuffing all image references into one collection and all table sources into another collection and then telling Zotero to restrict _this_ bibliography to _that_ collection? That would suffice for my purposes. Or I could add a specific tage to all image references and a different one to the tables.

Thank you for any pointers,

  • I’m not exactly sure what you mean. Do you want a separate bibliography for the sources of your figures and for the cited items in your document?
  • Hi, bwiernik, and thank you for asking! Yes, I essentially want three separate bibliographies or, more accurately, lists of sources: regular cites, figures, and tables. In a perfect world, I would be able to tag a cite as "image" or "table", and Zotero could build the bibliographies dynamically.

    As it is, I would be happy if I could tell Zotero to only list works in collection (e.g.) "Cite sources" in the first bibliography, "Image sources" in the second, and "Table sources" in the third. I would have to make sure all my image sources are present in the "Image sources" collection, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about removing unused sources.

    I did look at the properties of the bibliographiy field in Zotero's Word plugin, but I cannot figure out how to make them do what I want, sorry.

  • You can’t currently have more than one live updating bibliography in one Word document. That’s planned (including for cases like yours).

    For now, I suggest using the Word plugin for your main document citations, then creating static bibliographies for your figure and table lists (e.g., by selecting all of the items in Zotero, then dragging them to your document).
  • Ok, I understand the "static bibliography" part. But how do I keep the main, dynamic, bibliography from listing sources from which I use only an image? After all, a regular cite looks the same as an image "cite":

    bwiernik recommends using static bibliographies for some corner cases (bwiernik, 2020).

     o   o

    Fig. 1: A pretty picture (, 2019)

    I think I may have to skip the plug-in entirely and do it all by hand. Oh well.

    Thanks for looking into my problem, and I'll look forward to having multiple dynamic bibliographies!

  • Don’t insert live citations for those. Insert static citations the same way.
  • Got it, thanks!
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