Chicago style FOOTNOTES?

I am wondering if anyone knows how to correct this problem... My citations are generally okay for first-time citations of a source. But the way I want my footnotes to look when something is cited a SECOND time, is "author, short name of article, page#". But zotero always cites this as IBID, no matter which of the Chicago styles I choose. IBID makes no sense for footnotes that are spread out over a number of pages...when Ibid appears as the first note on a page, it begs the question "Ibid? to what reference?"

I tried to install the "no ibid" version of chicago style, but it is not working for me- perhaps it is beta for higher operating system than 10.4? [mac]

thanks for any help.
  • edited April 1, 2009
    Chicago without ibid should work for you--what version of Zotero are you using? You may want to upgrade to the latest version.
  • thanks for the ideas.
    I'm not using the beta version, because I need the word plugins... but otherwise it's the newest version. Is this the problem--is it intended only for the "beta" version? If so, I missed that...

    I am going to try to install the "w/o ibid" style again. The problem I've been having with it is that there is no difference in the way the notes look after applying the style. I've refreshed zotero, tested newly inserted notes, and even tried re-inserting current notes defaulting to ibid.
  • hi, I just started using zotero properly today and am using the Chicago style with bibliography which is great for the first citation; for next instance which follows immediately after the citation it correctly inserts ibid; however, for the next instance which occurs with citations of other authors in between it still comes up with ibid as opposed to op.cit which i thought was supposed to be the proper way to reference - does op. cit exist in chicago style - I am now wondering whether it is a different reference style

  • edited May 7, 2009
    to kellykir (and to me!) i just read wrknowles post from last december about troubleshooting ibid, and op cit...maybe op cit is out of date....that wouldnt be too bad if we can work out how to short form the citation easily...
  • Are you using the Word plugin, the OpenOffice plugin, or something else? I just tested this with the word plugin and ibid should only happen on direct subsequent citations. You can even add a citation between the two to force the second one to switch to the short form.
  • hmmmm....thanks for your response; I'm using the Word plug-in - I'll have another go - does zotero create a short form by itself or do I need to add it in in the field marked short title?
  • Zotero will generate the short citation on its own.
  • aha! I see what I did - in my testing I was going through inserting footnotes in between the ones I already had made, so I was making another 'ibid' in the sense that I was using the same reference consecutively - so I have to do it 'for real`(which I've just done) and that works, thanks. Do you by any chance know which style has the same inclusions but puts last name first and first name last, which is what i need to do?
  • edited August 6, 2009
    I believe that op cit. is still in the Chicago Manual, but deprecated. (A future version of CSL will be able to measure the distance to the previous citation, which could be used to implement op cit. in a style that still requires it.)

    [@ erazlogo: I stand corrected.]
  • edited May 7, 2009
    The latest Chicago Manual, 15th ed., disallows "op. cit.":
    16.50“Op. cit.” and “loc. cit.”

    Op. cit. (opere citato, “in the work cited”) and loc. cit. (loco citato, “in the place cited”), used with an author’s last name and standing in place of a previously cited title, are rightly falling into disuse. Since they can refer to works cited many pages or even chapters earlier, they are exceptionally unhelpful. Consider a reader’s frustration on meeting, for example, “Wells, op. cit., 10” in note 95 and having to search back to note 2 for the full source or, worse still, finding that two works by Wells have been cited. Chicago disallows both op. cit. and loc. cit. and instead uses the short-title form described in 16.45.
  • I have the no ibid style of Chicago with bibliography. It is fine except that when I am editing and I move my footnoted phrases around in the document the data in the footnote doesn't adjust to reflect the new order. E.g. I cite sentence 1 first and get a footnote with the full citation, then cite sentence 2 and get the shortened citation. But if I change my mind and decide to cut and paste sentence 2 above sentence 1 the footnotes stay the same and I am left with a shortened citation before the full citation has been given. Is there a way to fix this problem?
  • Refresh the citations using the plugin. This will also happen automatically if you add or edit a citation.
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