Change alternating row color

In the list of references, Zotero colors the background of rows alternately, white and light grey. Is it possible to change this, to say white and light blue or white and yellow? On my monitor I find the contrast between the black letters and the light grey background harder to read than I would like. Thanks in advance for suggestions.
  • If this is possible, I request that also the selected-record/row contrast be increased from the light-grey to a somewhat darker grey. With the stacked view when I'm editing one of the fields (and the blue highlight goes darker grey) it takes a very close look to return to where was on the listing of items in the collection. The light grey / ever-so-slightly-darker grey difference is hardly noticeable on my iMac screen. Maybe this is due to the sensitivity of my ageing eyes.

    See, Differences in the prevalence...: Shot 2020-11-22 at 14.18.34.png?dl=0
  • Agreed. While the selected row is blue when first clicked, clicking anywhere outside the list of citations -- even on a different pane of Zotero -- makes that a "still light grey but slightly darker than other light greys". This makes it hard to figure out where I was on the list of items.
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