Zotero Freezing on Google Docs?

Just downloaded Zotero and re-installed Zoetero on my oder macs this morning, determined to give it another try. After three hours attempting to use Zotero with google docs, I've managed to get about 9 footnotes done. This is...frustrating.

I'm not sure what the problem is (hence the post). Often, when I try to create a note, I'll get a "Please wait while your document updates" screen that lasts for several minutes or more. Usually, I end up closing/re-opening my document and also having to restart Zotero. Sometimes this works, but other times I have to keep waiting while the previously attempted footnote continues updating. Any ideas for me? It was so encouraging when it worked the first two times, I'd hate to go back to manually entering notes...
  • First, check that a citation window isn't just opening behind your other windows — cycle through the Zotero window to check.

    If you're sure that's not happening, we'd want to see a Debug ID from Zotero for an attempt where this happens.
  • (Whether the first part applies depends on whether you're saying you getting this after clicking Add/Edit Citation or after selecting a citation and pressing Return.)
  • Yes, this is after I try to add the citation, select it, and press return.

    If the citation window is open (the bar about three quarters of the way to full?), is there a way to close it without shutting everything down? Or to allow one note to update while moving on to the next one?
  • No, but we need a Debug ID to say more. This obviously shouldn't happen.
  • How can I find/provide that?
  • I linked to instructions above.
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