Bulk Copying Report Number to Call Number


I have a large (>3000) catalog containing various types of documents (reports, journal articles, conference papers, etc.). Many of the reports were uploaded with their Report Number, but I'd like to bulk copy that Report Number into the Call Number so I can view and sort by that column.

Is there a quick way to do this besides copying and pasting for each item?

Please note, I don't have any JavaScript experience, but I am familiar with the Developer -> Run JavaScript tool.

Thank you.
  • Yes, there is! You can export the relevant records into a text or code editor using the .RIS format, and then use a simple Search/Replace function to convert the two letters that signal the Report Number into the Call Number using the RIS Format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIS_(file_format) - CN is the text you need to replace. You can trash the previous records, then re-import the file (saved in the .ris format) and the call numbers should have moved. Note that, if you have already got references in a working document attached to these, you should probably merge them as you don't want to break any of those references.
  • While this will basically work, it's got a bunch of downsides -- there's potential data loss (RIS import/export is not loss-less), it will also duplicate items you have synced, so I'd try to figure this out using the javascript API, which is indeed the way to go.
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