"This item no longer exists in you Zotero database"
When I try to add a new citation in a word document, a pop-up appears in Word reading:
"This item no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item? Clicking "NO" will delete all citations of this item from your document"
I can click "yes" or "no" and Word window pops up again and the cycle perpetuates for every citation in the document (it think). Clicking "cancel" will make the cycle end.
However I am never able to add a new citation.
I first had this problem only when adding citations in a table. Now it occurs when adding citations in the body of text.
Everyday I work on this document I "Save as" with that day's date in the file name (my way of creating backups in addition to the backups created on Time Machine.) Would frequent "Save as" events cause a problem like this?
Also, say for instance I send a draft of a paper to a collaborator who has similar references in his private Zotero library and edits/adds citations. I assume this could cause a problem similar to the above, correct? If we both added all of the citations from a Group Library, would that then allow us to collaborate on paper via email without problems?
"This item no longer exists in your Zotero database. Do you want to select a substitute item? Clicking "NO" will delete all citations of this item from your document"
I can click "yes" or "no" and Word window pops up again and the cycle perpetuates for every citation in the document (it think). Clicking "cancel" will make the cycle end.
However I am never able to add a new citation.
I first had this problem only when adding citations in a table. Now it occurs when adding citations in the body of text.
Everyday I work on this document I "Save as" with that day's date in the file name (my way of creating backups in addition to the backups created on Time Machine.) Would frequent "Save as" events cause a problem like this?
Also, say for instance I send a draft of a paper to a collaborator who has similar references in his private Zotero library and edits/adds citations. I assume this could cause a problem similar to the above, correct? If we both added all of the citations from a Group Library, would that then allow us to collaborate on paper via email without problems?
Yes, sending this to someone with a different Zotero library would create problems like the one above - for every single reference. And yes, a common group library would be the solution here.
Since you have such nice back-ups: Try adding a citation in an older document - does that still work? I suspect your document got "broken" at some point. It usually can be fixed by deleting one or two broken citations, but no promises.
However, I can re-open the original test document I created and add citations on my computer without a problem. My group library folder looks good and apparently my coworker's group folder looks good.
2nd problem: I also noticed that my wife's group folder is empty. I manually synced and nothing. I double checked her access to the group, passwords, etc... and it all looks good. Still won't sync.
We are all running 2.0b6.3. Wife and I have Mac 10.5. Word compatability mode. My coworker has a PC.
Any advice?
Three of them belong to your coworker's personal library, not the group library.
One of them belongs to the group library.
None of these items have been synced to the server.
The items from your coworker's library would show up as missing for you no matter what. The group item shows up as missing presumably because it hasn't been synced to the server (due to an error or otherwise), and so it hasn't been synced to one of your computers.
Your wife's issue is unrelated—it sounds like she simply isn't able to sync, and she's likely getting an error icon over the sync icon, an error message hovering over it, and an error in Report Errors under the gear menu that she can send in and report in a new thread.
For what it's worth, you can see the underlying codes by doing a Select All in the document and then pressing Alt/Option-F9 to Toggle Field Codes. (The embedded URLs you see won't resolve to actual web pages, but you can at least distinguish between the different libraries involved.)
Today,, for the first time, when I try to sync i get the error message: "Delete reconcilliation unimplemented for collections" from FF.
My wifes computer is magically syncing fine this morning and I am able to add citations without seeing the error message. I think the problem is obviously stemming from my syncing error.
Sorry about the mistake on the first test doc. He assured me they were from the group library. -He was wrong.
I reset my groups from the Zotero server. The error icon is no longer seen on the sync icon after i sync.
My friend and I then both restored our libraries from the zotero server. I then clicked "refresh" in the Zotero menu in word. I now no longer see the "this item no longer exists.." message.