[Juris-M] Abbreviations Filter Issue with Jurisdictions

I've tried as many ideas as I can find online to fix the problem, but I can't get the abbreviations filter to work right. It keeps inserting the court into case citations in the format of (US|Wisconsin) or (US|Seventh Circuit|Wisconsin) (as examples). Also the jurisdiction field in Juris-M is self propagating and I cannot clear it regardless of what I do. If I delete it, it just reappears on its own.

I'm running Juris-M version and the word plugin version is Zotero Word for Windows Integration 3.5.SA.4.0.999.SOURCE.e227063.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything I can think of, deleting the zotero.dot and .dotm files and reinstalling the word plugin, I've looked at every website for any current versions but have not had any luck.

Any tips or tricks to get this otherwise awesome program working would be greatly appreciated!
  • Frank will have to take the actual question, but for future reference, don't worry about the Word add-on: That's Zotero code that wouldn't be responsible for any Juris-m only functionality.
  • Ok good to know. I'm currently in the process of uninstalling/deleting all zotero and juris-m files including the appdata/local and appdata/roaming profile directories so that I'm certain there will be only one version installed. I've messed around with so many variations in the process of finding the right legal citation solution that I have no idea if there's cross talk between any of the plugins / variants of zotero mlz or juris-m that could be floating around on my system.
  • One other issue I've noticed, is that when I install juris-m, the shortcut that's created is looking for Zotero.exe instead of juris-m.exe. Should I also have the regular Zotero standalone installed parallel to Juris-M?
  • no -- that's likely just an oversight on Frank's part. As you know, juris-m as a Standalone version is quite new, so there are bound to be some leftover issues where things point to Zotero rather than juris-m.
  • Hi, Jason, sounds like you're having some issues.

    Thanks for flagging the installer shortcut issue. In my test installs, on Windows, I don't think it was creating a link at all (or I didn't notice). I'll look into it.

    It sounds like everything is working normally, but to avoid possible conflicts or confusion, you should run Juris-M Standalone, and disable any Zotero or Juris-M (or MLZ) installed in Firefox. Use Chrome or Safari with a plugin to add things to the library.

    A value is always needed in the jurisdiction field to identify the reference, so that behaviour is intentional. You can suppress the national-level jurisdiction, and control the appearance of the remainder of the field (plus the Court field, if in a Case reference) via the Abbreviation Filter. It's illustrated in a screencast how-to (#1.4). The screencasts need updating to fit the Standalone configuration - ignore the first half of that one, since the Abbreviations plugin is pre-installed; the second half shows how to control content from within a field.

    There is a set of support mailing lists for Juris-M. Do sign up for at least one of them; that will become the main channel for disseminating information to Juris-M users.
  • Hi - thanks for getting back to me.

    I think I see how it works now - basically unless I want additional information to go into the citation I shouldn't add anything but the jurisdiction field. After looking at the .json file it clicked how you have this set up. I did notice that the abbreviation filter is working for MLZ bluebook, but not for JM BabyBlue. Is that a style that should work with the current release, or is it still in development? I tried importing different filter files in the style editor but nothing seemed to change in the jurisdiction formatting when I did that.
  • edited September 25, 2015
    List imports needs help - I think that's just not working at the moment, but it will get attention soon.

    I'm thinking about disabling the list-setup-on-install that kicks up the progress meter. It's distracting, and it shifts enough data to be slow even when only one or two styles are "automatically" supported. I'm thinking it will be more friendly to (a) get list imports fixed [!]; and (b) provide better hints in the UI on how to import list data.

    If I go that route, there will be guidance on how to set things up for Bluebook. (I'll also make a point of trawling the source and the site to adjust "Baby Blue" to "Bluebook," since the latter exists, and it's not clear whether or when the former will hit the bookshelves.)
  • I see - I was wondering how the list import functioned since nothing showed up in the alternate column after importing any of the lists which made me think that either a) nothing got imported, or b) it was imported somewhere that was hidden from view and therefore I would have no way to verify it other than to insert the cite to see if it changed anything.

    Perhaps using a delimited text file like the one I linked below (\t delimited), and then having the filter parse the file and propagate field 1 with the first line item (full text) and field 2 with the abbreviated second item formatted for bluebook would work? At least for US legal journal and jurisdiction abbreviations that doesn't seem like it would be overly processor or memory intensive given the limited number of line items it would require, but I'm not sure how that type of solution would fit into your schema.


    (814 lines including most legal journals and jurisdiction abbreviations)
  • The import format is fine, JSON is already well defined and widely recognized. The code that processes it is just broken. I'll patch it up soon.
  • Ok - I'll keep an eye out for a new release then. Thanks for all the hard work putting this software together!
  • Okay, here we go. I've disabled the initial list setup rigamarole, and fixed list imports in a fresh plugin release (v.1.1.21).

    I'll issue fresh copies of the Juris-M Standalone installers on Monday, but in the meantime it would be great if you could test the plugin. After downloading the file, open the Add-ons popup from the toolbar Tools menu, then click on the wrench icon in the upper-right corner of the popup. You should have an "Install Add-on from file" option there, that you can use to select the downloaded add-on file.

    Once installed, it should just work.
  • I'd be happy to, although I'm not entirely sure what change in behavior I should be looking for. Should I be looking at the style editor and trying to import abbreviation lists to see if they propagate the fields there?
  • Boom...

    I loaded the style editor, clicked abbrev. and imported the "jurisdiction codes all legal styles" list using fill gaps as the method. It updated the jurisdiction in JM Babyblue which had only ever showed the full descriptive text. Then I refreshed the style editor with a new case selected, and I didn't have to import the list again it automatically inserted the correct court abbreviation. I then tested copying the cite to clipboard and then to notepad as well as the zotero winword plugin - everything worked like a charm. Refresh also works for updating any changes within Juris-M automatically.

    Nice piece of work!
  • That's great, thanks! I'll start building out the full updates, and post to the JM lists when they're ready.
  • Hi, I am having a similar issue, but my version is very different: 5.0.90m3. I am also a somewhat novice, so please bear with me.

    In the "Jurisdication" field, I have "US|Second Circuit", the "default" box is unchecked (what does "default" mean?)
    In the "Court" field, I have "Court of Appeals". When I copy the Indigo citation, what I get is "(court.appeals 2020). How may I fix that?

    I myself tried to open the Style Editor, and apply pre-packaged abbreviation lists, but the "select a resource" dropdown menu is empty.

    Please help. Thanks.
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