Zotero shows first the title of the book ant then editors. APA 7th ed

As the title says, this is what happens to me in the references. The title of the book is in place. The name of the editor is placed in edition. I am doing something wrong?


  • Are you seeing the abbreviation "ed." for editor and mistaking that for 'edition'? Please provide an exact example of the citation that you believe is in error and also an example of what you believe the citation should look like.
  • It does not generate any abbreviations.

    Zotero citation: Sliter, W. V. (1977). Cretaceous foraminifers from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (P.F. Barker, I.W.D. Dalziel et al., Vol. 36, pp. 519–573).

    Correct way: Sliter, W. V. (1977). Cretaceous foraminifers from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In P.F. Barker, I.W.D. Dalziel et al (Eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (in italics) (Vol. 36, pp. 519–573).
  • edited August 27, 2020
    Do you have the contributors selected as editors? I can reproduce your problem if I have them as authors. You can change the contributor role to editor by using the drop-down at the right left of each contributor field.
  • Thanks DWL-SDCA the problem is solved.
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