Zotero replaces citation

I have quite a lot of citations in my document and every time I want to add a new one it goes through them all and at the end just replaces a citation with the new one I want to add.
I don`t want that it will suddenly change random citations so I have to check the entire document.
Have any of you ever experienced that with zotero?
  • I'm not clear what exactly you're seeing.

    Can you explain exactly what you're doing, step by step, and what's happening?

    Are you referring to citations or the bibliography?
  • To be clear, if you put your cursor within an existing citation and press Add/Edit Citation, it will open the citation dialog with the existing citation shown, and if you search for and choose another citation you'll replace that one.
  • @dstillman sorry for not giving more information. I`m working on my document in google docs and need to add another citation. I then click on add/edit citation and search for what ever I want to add. When I then add it, it will go through all the citation to check them and ask me if the changes I made (for example editing brackets etc.) should be changed back or kept that way. Then it will add the new citation I wanted to add to an old one and replace that one. I then have to undo the change in the word processor and both citations will be there, the old and new one, but the new one isnt in the right place.
    Hope this makes more sense.
  • edited August 15, 2020
    ask me if the changes I made (for example editing brackets etc.) should be changed back or kept that way
    First, don't do this. If there's a problem with the citation style, you should use a different style or fix the existing style (or ask someone here for help with that). Most other adjustments can be made either in Zotero itself or by customizing the citation. While you can make manual edits, it prevents citations from being properly updated going forward and can sometimes cause weird problems, so it should generally be avoided wherever possible.

    If you can reproduce the problem in a copy of the document, try cutting it down to the smallest possible version in which you can reproduce the problem and, if you don't mind, send a share link to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread and a description of the exact steps to reproduce the problem.
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